Friday, October 29, 2010


 Year 1968:  That day I was told they were all set to take down the old church to make way for the new one.   St. Gertrude, founded 1826,   on Jefferson Ave in St. Clair Shores, MI.  You might say I had a front row seat since I lived right across the street from the parish church, rectory, convent and parochial school (all 12 yrs of which I attended).  The bulldozer readied to begin its destructive work.
I had a cheap box camera attained through redemption of Gold Bell Gift Stamps. This I grabbed from my house and ran out to record the scene from my neighbor's  front yard.  Not seeing any others around with cameras, I am sure this is the only photo documentary on the subject. 

The old St. Gert's used to be a handsome church with unique scalloped wood siding in front.   The new A-Frame structure that replaced the original one never did appeal to me;  I watched it's contemporary steel beams gradually rise in place of the old white steeples with fine details.  


  1. So sad, I can't believe some pieces were't saved. Mom has a collector plate of the church hanging in the kitchen. I have a pic of Don (your bro) and David with the church in the back ground too. I will post it, they were both so cute. I suppose no one saw the beauty in that ole church, bigger and newer is not always better!

  2. I guess in this case the congregation outgrew its limits.
    I have a pic of me coming out of it leading my graduation class~!
